[Explained] Can Bed Bug Spray Kill Fleas?

If you’re living in urban areas, bed bugs, and fleas are common problems that can be hard to relieve. Fortunately, there are many pesticides to kill bed bugs and fleas particularly.

But if you are attacked by both bed bugs and fleas, you may want to treat both of them with a single solution like bed bug spray. But the question is, can bed bug spray kill fleas? The most accurate answer is – yes, you can, but it depends on several factors.

In this article, we will explain whether bed bug spray really kills fleas or not, including when you should use it and when not. Let’s learn them below!

can bed bug spray kill fleas

Can Fleas Be Killed Using Bed Bug Spray?

Yes, bed bug sprays can be effective in killing fleas in many cases.

There are many similarities between bed bugs and fleas in terms of biology and physiology. Again, bed bug sprays typically contain insecticides that target a variety of pests, including bed bugs, fleas, ticks, and other crawling insects.

For this, a certain insecticide that is effective against one type of insect might also work against the other.

However, the efficacy of a bed bug spray against fleas might depend on the specific formulation of the spray and the active ingredients it contains. Thus, it isn’t recommended to use bed bug spray to kill fleas. Let’s learn about it in more detail below.

Why You Shouldn’t Use Bed Bug Spray to Kill Fleas?

The pesticides do not contain the same chemical to kill all the insects. One of the active ingredients of pesticides is pyrethrin or similar to it. It can kill both bed bugs and fleas. When it is applied, it paralyzes the bug at the first stage. Then eventually it kills the bug. 

Now, if the bug spray contains other elements that are especially effective for bed bugs, it might have a different effect on fleas. For example, the insecticide may paralyze them for a certain period and after that, they can be sober again.

But there is a big problem here. The fleas may become resistant to these sprays after a certain time. In that case, it will become too hard to get rid of fleas. For this reason, using bed bug spray is not recommended to kill fleas as the result and impact of it are completely unpredictable.

However, you can use bed bug spray to kill fleas under certain conditions. Let’s learn about it below.

When Can You Use Bed Bug Spray to Kill Fleas?

As we have mentioned earlier it is not recommended to use bed bug spray for fleas, you can only use them if fleas are mentioned or included with the bed bug on the label.

While bed bug spray may be effective in killing fleas, you can get a better result from using a treatment that is specifically formulated for fleas.

For example, you can use “Ortho Home Defense Max – Bed Bug, Flea, and Tick Killer” to kill both bed bugs and fleas.

 (FAQs) Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Will Bed Bug Spray Kill Fleas and Ticks?

Bed bug spray can effectively eliminate most small arthropods like bed bugs, fleas, ticks, lice, etc. However, it is always recommended to use a treatment that is specially made for fleas and ticks.

What Kills Both Fleas and Bed Bugs?

There are many pesticides that can kill both fleas and bed bugs. Among them, the Ortho Home Defense Max Bed Bug, Flea, and Tick Killer, Hot Shot BedBug & Flea Fogger, and Contains Nylar insect growth regulator are the most popular ones.


Bed bug spray may be effective for killing fleas, but it isn’t recommended unless it is specially made to kill fleas. Whether you can use bed bug spray to kill fleas is explained in this article and we hope now you know what you should do after reading it. If you have any queries regarding this topic, feel free to mention them in our comment section below. Good luck with killing pests.

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