Ever tried to swat that pesky mosquito with your electric fly swatter, only to see it mockingly buzz away unscathed? We get it. The sheer frustration when your swatter feels as powerless as a regular swatter is enough to make anyone scream.
So, can you make an electric fly swatter more powerful? In short: Absolutely. With a few tweaks and a dash of ingenuity, your electric fly swatter can be transformed into a supercharged insect annihilator.
This article offers practical insights into amping up your electric fly swatter’s power for a bug-free environment. Ready to give those bugs the shock of their lives? Let’s dive in!

Boosting the Zapping Power: A Step-by-Step Guide
To make an electric fly swatter more powerful, you have to increase the voltage of the device. Higher voltage means a stronger electrical current, which can be more effective at zapping insects.
For that, you can use a high-voltage generator or a high-voltage transformer.
Required Tools:
- A High-Voltage transformer.
- An Electric Fly Swatter.
- A 18650 Battery.
- Two 18650 Battery clips.
- A momentary switch.
- A Screwdriver
- A soldering iron.
- A glue gun.
Here is the instruction on how to make a high-volt electric fly swatter:
Step 1: Purchase a high voltage generator suitable for electric fly swatters. These are often available online or in electronics stores.
Step 2: Open the screws of the electric fly swatter using the screwdriver and remove the old batteries.

Step 3: Discharge the remaining electricity from the electric fly swatter. For this, press and hold the button of the fly swatter while connecting the grid to the net of the swatter using the screwdriver.

Step 4: Cut away the tabs on the cover to fit the transformer and make a hole to fit the momentary switch.

Step 5: Place the battery case in a suitable place back on the case using a glue gun.

Step 6: Now it’s time to connect the wires! Connect the positive wire of the battery case to one of the terminals of the switch.
Step 7: Connect the transformer to the other terminal of the switch.
Step 8: Solder the negative wire of the battery case to the other terminal of the transformer together.

Step 9: Detach the wires of the old circuit from the grid and attach the two cables of the transformer to the grid.

Step 10: Re-assemble the case of the electric fly swatter.

Finally, connect the battery and your upgraded electric fly swatter is ready to use.
Precautionary Notes
Increasing the voltage can significantly amplify the shock. For this, upgrading the electric fly swatter is always discouraged by us.
While increasing your electric fly swatter’s power can be effective, it’s crucial to:
- Avoid Overdoing It. An excessively powerful swatter might be hazardous to humans and pets. Always prioritize safety.
- Always ensure you’re not creating a safety hazard.
- Avoid touching the mesh when the swatter is on, and
- Always inform others in your household about the modification.
- If you’re unsure about any DIY modifications, consult an expert to prevent accidental malfunctions or hazards.
Wrapping Up
A supercharged electric fly swatter can be your knight in shining armor, ensuring your surroundings remain bug-free. With a bit of diligence, research, and possibly some DIY tinkering, you can enhance its efficiency, ensuring those pesky insects think twice before buzzing around you again. Thank you for sticking with us till the end! If you’ve got queries or would love to share your electrifying experiences with boosting your fly swatter’s power, drop them in the comments below. Zap on!
You May Also Ask
Will Increasing The Voltage Of My Electric Fly Swatter Harm The Device?
Increasing the voltage can deliver a more potent zap, but it might also strain the device’s components, leading to quicker wear or damage. Always check the manufacturer’s recommendations and ensure any modifications stay within safe limits.
How Can I Ensure Safety When Tinkering With The Fly Swatter’s Electrical Components?
Always turn off the device and remove the batteries before making any modifications. If you’re unsure about a procedure, consult an expert or the manufacturer’s guidelines.
Will A More Powerful Swatter Consume Batteries Faster?
Typically, a swatter with a higher power output will drain batteries more quickly. Consider using rechargeable batteries or connecting the swatter to a constant power source if frequent use is expected.
Can I Revert To The Original Settings If I Find The Modified Swatter Too Powerful?
Yes, most modifications can be reversed. If you’ve replaced components, ensure you’ve kept the originals to reinstall if needed.
Is A High-Voltage Generator Safe To Use In A Home Setting?
While high-voltage generators can amplify the swatter’s power, they come with risks. Ensure the generator is compatible with your device, and always keep it out of reach of children and pets. Remember, higher voltage means a stronger shock, so exercise caution.