Is Pest Control Smell Harmful? An Important Thing You Must Know

If you have done pest control inside your house, you may notice a presence of smell after the treatment. As most pesticides contain toxic chemicals, inhaling those might cause health issues. For this, you might think: Does pest control smell harmful?

There is a myth that all smells from pest control aren’t harmful. However, the researchers have proven that some of these smells can affect humans instantly and some of them can be harmful in the long term.

Don’t worry, we have explained everything including which smell of chemical or pesticide is dangerous and which are less harmful in this article. So, read to learn about them and be safe.

Is Pest Control Smell Harmful

Can You Get Harmed Through the Smell of Pesticide?

The smells associated with pest control treatments can vary widely, depending on the type of treatment used. Natural pest control smells may include sweet or fruity scents used in baits and the smell of dead pests.

In this case, the smells aren’t toxic and you’ll be unharmed from the smells. However, some common pest control uses toxic chemicals and, in that case, you’ll notice a bad smell of chemicals. That is harmful to human health in most cases.

There is ongoing research into the potential long-term health effects of exposure to certain pesticides and chemicals used in pest control. Some studies have suggested a possible link between pesticide exposure and chronic health conditions. It has included cancer and neurological disorders!

Don’t be afraid, most of the pesticides are especially designed against pests and they aren’t as harmful as other chemicals in most cases. Read on to learn about the smell of harmful pesticides that you should avoid.

The Smell of Chemical in Pest Control That You Must Avoid

Some of the pesticides contain toxic chemicals to kill pests. These chemicals can also be harmful to humans. Here are the chemicals that are used in pest control and are harmful to humans:

  1. Insecticides: There are different types of insecticides available that are designed to kill pests. Most of them include toxic chemicals like pyrethroids, organophosphates, neonicotinoids, and carbamate.

Inhaling them will cause acute toxicity like nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, or respiratory distress.

  1. Fumigants: It is one kind of gas containing toxic chemicals. It is primarily designed to be inhaled by pests like dry wood termites, bed bugs, and other pests that are hidden in furniture or cracks in walls and kill them.

If humans inhale this gas, it can lead to coughing, acute asthma, chest tightness, dizziness, headaches, and even more serious respiratory complications. Inhaling this gas during pregnancy can cause serious issues like miscarriages, birth defects, or developmental disorders in the unborn child!

  1. Repellents: Chemical repellents are mainly used as spray foam or aerosol. As a result, there is a high chance of inhalation risk. For this, fewer toxic chemicals are used in repellents.

But still, inhaling repellents causes respiratory irritation, coughing, or breathing problems. For this, it is always prohibited to take the smell of aerosols.

  1. Rodenticides: Rodenticides also contain toxic chemicals like zinc phosphide, bromethalin, and cholecalciferol which are used to kill rodents. Though it is only harmful to humans or animals if eaten, the smell of these chemicals can cause irritation or respiratory problems.
  2. Insect Growth Regulators: The chemicals used in IGR are basically for controlling the reproduction of insects. The smells of IGR are less harmful than others. However, if you have allergies, you might face allergic reactions by inhaling the smell of IGR.

The smell of these pesticides in pest control is harmful. But if natural ingredients are used in pest control, then the smell won’t be harmful to humans. For example, the smell of natural pesticides like lemon juice, soap water, vinegar, etc. isn’t harmful. Similarly, the chemicals used to bait pests may contain a sweet fruity smell which isn’t harmful at all.

When Should You Concern About Pest Control Smell?

The primary concern with pest control smells is the potential exposure to chemicals. Some pest control products contain synthetic chemicals that may emit strong odors, and inhaling these odors can lead to health issues.

However, there is three level of exposure –when a pesticide is breathed in, touches the skin, or gets eaten.

The inhaling or smell of the chemical is less toxic than directly touching or eating it. But sometimes inhaling harmful chemicals causes serious health issues. Here are the possible effects of smelling pest control odor:

  1. Headaches and Nausea

The first symptom of inhaling toxic chemicals is headaches, nausea, and dizziness. These symptoms are more likely to occur when the pest control treatment is applied in an enclosed space with poor ventilation.

If you feel any of these symptoms from the smell of the pest control, you should ensure proper air ventilation in the applied place and immediately contact pest control professionals. It is better to stay away from the smell until it is gone totally.

  1. Allergic Reactions

Some people may be allergic to specific chemicals used in pest control treatments. Exposure to these allergens can lead to sneezing, itching, or even severe allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

If you face any of these symptoms from the smell of pest control, you may need to take the necessary steps to get rid of the smells.

  1. Respiratory Irritation

Inhaling strong chemical odors can irritate the respiratory system. It may lead to symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. 

However, it mainly happens to individuals with pre-existing respiratory conditions, like asthma or allergies. But if you also suspect any type of irritation from the smell, you need to be aware form it.

If you, your family, or your pets suffer from any of these symptoms above, you’ll assume the pest control smell is harmful and immediately inform pest control units and take necessary steps to clear out the smells.

All these smells aren’t as toxic as you think. To be honest, we are inhaling more toxic elements and chemicals from the air nowadays. So, there is nothing to be worried about the pest control smell unless you notice the symptoms above.


Pest control smells can be unpleasant, and in some cases, they may pose health risks. However, this mainly depends on various factors, including the type of chemicals used and the level of exposure. So, if you get the smell of pesticides in your house, you should contact the pest control unit or take the necessary steps to clean your house. That’s all for today, stay safe, stay healthy!

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